CTB Department News


The Bush lab receives a NIH/NIDCR R21 grant.
February, 2025

We are excited to announce that Elizabeth Joyce, PhD receives the 2025 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award!
January, 2025

We are excited to announce that Elliott Brooks (Sneddon lab) receives the 2025 Klein-Kraft Fellowship in Diabetes Research!
January, 2025


Karin Shamardani (Bush lab) receives an F30 award from NIDCR. 
December, 2024

The L'Etoile lab receives the R01 award from NINDS. Through this award, the L'Etoile Lab will investigate the effects of stimulation and sleep on neural circuit connections. 
December, 2024

The L'Etoile lab receives a NIH/NIA R21 grant.
September, 2024

The Goga lab receives the R01 award from NIH/NIBIB. Through this award, the Goga Lab will investigate technology development for improved spatial analysis of cancer metabolism.
September, 2024

We are excited to announce that Andrei Goga, MD, PhD receives the Marcus Program in Precision Medicine Innovation Award!
September, 2024

We are excited to announce that Camilla Teng (Bush lab) receives the Laurene Wu McClain and Charles J. McClain Endowed Postdoctoral Fellowship Award!
September, 2024

Congratulations to Diane Barber, PhD, on being named a 2024 ASCB Fellow!
August, 2024

Congratulations to Camilla Teng (Bush lab) for winning the Craniofacial Morphogenesis and Tissue Regeneration GRC postdoc poster award! Camilla was also the organizer of the GRS!
May, 2024

We are excited to announce that Noelle L'Etoile, PhD, receives the new Chan Zuckerberg Initiative Award "Sleep and Aging: Can Sleep Ameliorate Age-Driven Neurodegeneration?" 
February, 2024

Congratulations to Erica Hutchins, PhD, for receiving the H.W. Mossman Award in Developmental Biology!
January, 2024

Karin Shamardani (Bush lab) receives the AADOCR Student Research Fellowship. 
January, 2024

Lakyn Mayo (Kutys lab) receives an NHLBI F31 predoctoral fellowship.
January, 2024


The Kutys lab receives a NIH R21 grant. 
December, 2023

The Knox lab receives an award from the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) to fund translational research. Sarah Knox, PhD, received $2.3M to develop neurogenic hydrogel stimulation of stem cells to regenerate radiation-damaged salivary glands.
October, 2023

Congratulations to Laura Persson, PhD, from the L’Etoile lab for winning the UCSF Postdoc Slam in 2023! Her presentation title is “The Wormnado: What a Tiny Worm Can Teach Us about Collective Behavior.” 
September, 2023

The Goga lab receives the R01 award from NIH/NCI. Andrei Goga, MD, PhD received a five-year $3.2M award for “Understanding CDK1 Function and Cancer Vulnerabilities” from the National Cancer Institute. Through this award, the Goga Lab will investigate how cyclin-dependent kinase 1 (CDK1), the major regulator of cell cycle entry into mitosis functions in normal and tumor cells, which may lead to new cancer therapies.
August, 2023

Daphne Superville a UCSF Biomedical Sciences (BMS) graduate student in the Goga lab receives an NIH/NCI F31 training award. The two year fellowship will support Daphne’s studies of how immune cells are altered during breast cancer metastasis. The award supported by the National Cancer Institute may identify new treatment approaches for metastatic cancer. 
August, 2023

The Hutchins lab receives the R35 MIRA award from NIH/NIGMS. Erica Hutchins, PhD, received a five-year $2M Early Stage Investigator Maximizing Investigator's Research Award (MIRA) R35 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Through this award, the Hutchins Lab will investigate RNA decay mechanisms underlying cell state transitions in neural crest stem cells.
August, 2023

Laura Persson, PhD, who is doing her postdoctoral research in the L’Etoile lab receives a K99 award from NIGMS for her study of an emergent collective behavior in C elegans
August, 2023

Congratulations to CTB faculty Stephen Floor and Julie Sneddon who have both been promoted to Associate Professor with tenure! 
July, 2023

The Kutys lab receives the R35 MIRA award from NIH/NIGMS. Matthew Kutys, PhD, received a five-year $2M Early Stage Investigator Maximizing Investigator's Research Award (MIRA) R35 from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS). Through this award, the Kutys Lab will investigate how coordination between genetic programs and the physical organization of cells orchestrates the development and maintenance of tissues. 
July, 2023

Diane Barber works with Armenian Society of Fellows to establish three research cores in Yerevan, Armenia and is interviewed by the online newspaper CivilNet 
June, 2023

The Barber lab receives 5-year $2 million NIH R01 grant from National Cancer Institute entitled Roles for Intracellular pH Dynamics in Cancer
April, 2023

The Floor lab receives the R35 MIRA award from NIH/NIGMS This "Maximizing Investigator's Research Award is titled "The molecular grammar of human RNA biology" and is focused on how RNA molecules regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally through sequence elements that regulate translation, RNA stability, localization, and more. The goal of this proposal is to define the mechanisms of RNA regulation and advance new approaches to reveal new modes of regulation.
April, 2023

Barbie Klein receives the Spring 2023 Academic Senate Distinction in Teaching Award for faculty at UCSF for five years or fewer
April, 2023 / See UCSF announcement

Nate Meyer, DSCB student in the Barber lab, graduates with his PhD degree 
March, 2023


Fred Chang named as Fellow of the American Society for Cell Biology
September, 2022 / See ASCB announcement

Julie Sneddon and UCSF team receives the transformative Gordon Family gift to accelerate cell transplantation for patients with type 1 diabetes
September, 2022 / See UCSF story

Cambria Chou-Freed, BMS student in the Barber lab, receives an NIH F31 fellowship award entitled Intracellular pH Dynamics in Zebrafish Cranial Neural Crest Development 
August, 2022 / See Barber lab website

CTB welcomes new Assistant Professor, Erica Hutchins to the department. The Hutchins lab  seeks to map how post-transcriptional regulation controls developmental pluripotency and cell fate decisions in vivo.
July, 2022 / See Hutchins lab website

Diane Barber receives the 2022 Academic Senate Faculty Research Lectureship in Translational Science
May, 2022 / See UCSF story

Kyle Kisor, BMS student in the Barber lab, receives an NIH F31 fellowship award entitled pH Dynamics Determining DNA binding specificity of FOX Transcription Factors 
March, 2022 / See Barber lab website


Torsten Wittmann named as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs and Faculty Development
October, 2021 /

Jeffrey Bush named as Marylou Buyse Distinguished Scientist in Craniofacial Research from Society of Craniofacial Genetics and Developmental BIology
October, 2021 / See SCGDB news

Sarah Knox wins the International Association for Dental Research Distinguished Scientist Award
July, 2021 / See press release

Stephen Floor named as Pew Scholar in the Biomedical Sciences
June, 2021 / See UCSF story

Sarah Knox Appointed UCSF Assistant Dean for Research
April, 2021 /


Sarah Knox featured on Saturday Night Stories, a UCSF podcast, Episode 3 "The Inspired - Discovering Cures Through the Wonders of Saliva"
November 21, 2020 / UCSF Saturday Night Stories podcast

Elizabeth Joyce Joins Haile T. Debas Academy
September 2020 / Learn More About the Academy

Sarah Knox project among those moving forward with new funding
July 14, 2020 / See UCSF Story

Diane Barber receives Excellence in Research Award from John Greene Society
May 26, 2020 / See UCSF Story 

Stephen Floor named Researcher of the Month by Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
January 17, 2020 / See UCSF Story


Julie Sneddon to join CTB as Assistant Professor in 2020. Welcome!
December 2019 / See website

Matthew Kutys to join CTB as Assistant Professor in 2020. Welcome!
November 2019 / See website

Chang Lab Cell Systems paper shows that increased protein concentrations stimulates cell resiliency and supergrowth
November 6, 2019 / See UCSF Story

Julie Sneddon receives the Helmholtz Young Investigator in Diabetes Award from the Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, German Research Center.
September 2019  / See website

Torsten Wittmann wins First Place at UCSF Sci-Resolution competition

May 29, 2019 / See announcement

Stephen Floor among top NIH funded projects in 2018

February 27, 2019 / See UCSF Story


Jeffrey van Haren (Wittmann Lab) wins first place for his presentation at the UCSF Research and Clinical Excellence Day
October 17, 2018 / See Spotlight Achievement

Floor Lab receives NIH New Innovator Award

October 2, 2018 / See NIH press releaserecipientsUCSF Story

Sophie Dumont receives the ASCB 2018 WICB Junior Award for Excellence in Research 

July 5, 2018 / See ASCB article

Sophie Dumont receives the UCSF Outstanding Faculty Mentorship Award

June 6, 2018 / See UCSF Story

Sarah Knox and Shingo Kajimura among School of Dentistry's top NIH funding recipients in 2017

March 6, 2018 / See UCSF Story

Stephen Floor receives the New Investigator Award from the Tobacco-Related Disease Research Progam

February 2018 / See TRDRP website

Wittmann Lab Nature Cell Biology paper provides light-controlled tool to switch off proteins inside cells

January 26, 2018 / See UCSF Story


Kajimura Lab Nature Medicine paper rethinks how 'beige' fat cells burn calories

November 13, 2017 / See UCSF Story 

Shingo Kajimura receives JSPS Prize (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize)

July 2017 / See JSPS Prize Awardees

Andrei Goga named Dr. Arnold and Dianne Gazarian Presidential Chair

June 29, 2017 / See UCSF Story

UCSF news story features lab-grown organoids from the Bush and Knox Labs

June 7, 2017 / See UCSF Story

Carol Gross, Sarah Knox, and Shingo Kajimura among SOD's top NIH funding recipients in 2016

March 27, 2017 / See UCSF Story

Christina Hueschen from the Dumont Lab wins 1st prize at the UCSF Grad Slam.  She will now represent UCSF at the UC-wide Grad Slam on May 4, 2017

March 16, 2017 / See UCSF Story


Stephen Floor to join CTB as Assistant Professor in 2017. Welcome!

December 7, 2016

Goga Lab Nature Medicine paper on triple negative breast cancer identifies new drug target

October 24, 2016 / See UCSF Story

Sarah Knox featured in UCSF SOD Spotlight

September 1, 2016 / See UCSF Spotlight

Kajimura Lab Cell Metabolism paper shows that calorie-burning 'good' fat can be protected

August 25, 2016 / See UCSF Story

Pereira Lab work on Zika virus published in Cell Host & Microbe and featured in the New York Times

July 18, 2016 / See New York Times articleUCSF Story

Congratulations to CTB graduate students and postdocs who hold external fellowships funding their training. These include: 

AHA Predoctoral Fellowship: Svetlana Keylin (Kajimura Lab)
China Scholarship Council Graduate Fellowship: Qianqian Kang (Kajimura Lab)
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship: Alison May (Knox Lab)
Damon Runyon Cancer Research Postdoctoral Fellowship: Mary Elting (Dumont Lab)
HFSP Postdoctoral Fellowship: Andrea Afonso Serra-Marques (Dumont Lab)
HHMI Gilliam Graduate FellowshipFrancesca Aloisio (Barber Lab)
JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship: Takeshi Yoneshiro (Kajimura Lab)
LLHF Postdoctoral Fellowship: Kasaku Shinoda (Kajimura Lab)
Manpei Suzuki Diabetes Foundation Postdoctoral FellowshipKenji Ikeda (Kajimura Lab)
NIH F31 Graduate Fellowship: Christina Hueschen (Dumont Lab), Terren Niethamer (Bush Lab), Koy Saeteurn (Derynck Lab)
NIH F32 Postdoctroal Fellowship: Jennifer Finley (Knox Lab), Alexandre Matov (Wittmann Lab), Audrey O'Neill (Bush Lab), Katie White (Barber Lab)
NIH F99/K00 Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award: Roman Camarda (Goga Lab)
NIH K99/R00 Pathway to Independence Award: Kosaku Shinoda (Kajimura Lab)
NSF Graduate Fellowship: Jonathan Kuhn (Dumont Lab), Alexandra Long (Dumont Lab), Terren Niethamer (Bush Lab), Pooja Suresh (Dumont Lab)
Sao Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP) Postdoctoral FellowshipCarlos Henrique Gorssi Sponton (Kajimura Lab)
Susan G. Komen Postdoctoral Fellowship: Julia Rohrberg (Goga Lab)
UALC Postdoctoral Fellowship: Andrew Beardsley (Goga Lab)

Fred Chang and Sophie Dumont are profiled in the Journal of Cell Biology this Spring

June 6, 2016 / See Fred's profile and Sophie's profile

Sophie Dumont is SOD's top NIH funding recipient in 2015

March 31, 2016 / See UCSF Story

Goga Lab Nature Medicine paper shows that triple-negative breast cancers depend on fat as fuel

March 7, 2016 / See UCSF Story

Sophie Dumont receives NSF CAREER award

January 7, 2016 / See website


Torsten Wittmann wins Judge's Grand Prize and Jeffrey van Haren (Wittmann Lab) wins Judges' Favorite Video at UCSF Sci-Resolution competition

October 26, 2015 / See announcement

Dumont Lab receives NIH New Innovator Award

October 6, 2015 / See NIH press releaserecipientsUCSF Story

Congrats to CTB students for being selected as UCSF Discovery Fellows: Brittany Anderton, Roman Camarda, Christina Hueschen, Jonathan Kuhn, Alexandra Long

See website

Sophie Dumont receives the Margaret Oakley Dayhoff Award of the Biophysical Society

August 24, 2015 / See BPS press release

Professor Fred Chang and his lab will be joining CTB in January 2016. Welcome!

August 1, 2015 / See Chang Lab

Aimee Kao, Diane Barber (CTB), Matt Jacobson and Torsten Wittmann (CTB) receive Paul G. Allen Family Foundation award for Alzheimer's disease research

July 14, 2015 / See PGAFF press release, UCSF SOD website, UCSF website

Sarah Knox gives UCSF Discovery talk

May 30, 2015 / See video

NIH Director's blog highlights Wittmann Lab's "Life: Magnified" exhibit image and Nature Cell Biology paper

April 2, 2015 / See blog


Shingo Kajimura wins Helmholtz Young Investigator Diabetes (HeIDi) Award

October 15, 2014 / See website

Shingo Kajimura profiled in Nature

September 3, 2014 / See Nature website

Andrei Goga, Noelle L'Etoile and UCSF team receive NIH center award to study extracellular RNAs

January 9, 2014 / See UCSF press story


Shingo Kajimura receives Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers

December 23, 2013 / See White House press release

NIH Director's blog highlights Kajimura Lab's recent Nature paper

November 12, 2013 / See blog

Diane Barber chosen as UCSF SOD 2013 Faculty Research Award Lecturer

October 10, 2013 / See website

Sophie Dumont elected Rita Allen Scholar

July 25, 2013 / See press release

Peter Sargent named Associate Dean for Research

July 8, 2013 / See website

Shingo Kajimura elected Pew Scholar

June 13, 2013 / See press release

Sophie Dumont elected Kimmel Scholar

May 10, 2013 / See press release

Sophie Dumont elected Searle Scholar

April 3, 2013 / See press release

Sophie Dumont elected Sloan Research Fellow

February 19, 2013 / See press release

Katja Brückner receives American Cancer Society Scholar Award

January 1, 2013 / See website


Diane Barber honored with UCSF Postdoc Association Mentorship Award

December 14, 2012 / See UCSF Postdoc Association website

Diane Barber elected AAAS Fellow

November 29, 2012 / Dr. Barber joins Cell & Tissue Biology faculty Carol Gross and Rik Derynck as AAAS Fellows

Randall Kramer chosen as UCSF SOD 2012 Faculty Research Award Lecturer

October 11, 2012 / See website

Andrei Goga receives Era of Hope Scholar Award

August 1, 2012 / See website

Andrei Goga receives Leukemia and Lymphoma Scholar Award

July 1, 2012 / See website

Noelle L'Etoile receives NSF EAGER Award

May 1, 2012 / See website